Thursday, March 11, 2010

Art Auctions Happenings!

Art Auctions: Contemporary Art « Knowledge for free
Timing can sometimes be necessary to make the deal more lucrative for the buyer,  and with some art auctions, it may be difficult to find some grounds on which to begin bidding. However, with studious attention to what you wish your end ...

Antique Table WIith NaHMaschine Gritzner | Works of Art, Antiques ...
Directly from the detroit auction art antique living room, italian dinner party decoration an original “Unicum” by Gritzner / Durlach, antiques show with wrought iron table, small mahogany table with claw feet div Accessories and ...

Remembering Michael Joseph | Quality Art Auctions Blog
2009 seemed to be the year where we continually lost famous people who left quite an inspiration on our world. In the entertainment industry we lost household.

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